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Micro-Cannula Injection Of Under-Eye Fillers For Tear Troughs by Dr. Craig Schacher

March 17, 2021

Micro-Cannula Injection Of Under-Eye Fillers For Tear Troughs 

For under-eye hollows known as “tear troughs”, there are speciallyengineered dermal fillers and specially designed injection devices know asmicrocannulas. When we look at someone, our eyes are drawn to shadows. A tear trough hollow is such a shadow whichdraws our focus such that we see that person as tired and weathered looking.Tear troughs distract us from seeing the brightness and beauty of one’seyes.

By choosing a filler with the correct properties of thickness,cohesiveness, and light-reflecting properties, and placing the fillermeticulously in the correct layer of the skin, your physician can correct thecause of your hollow in a way that raises the hollowed area to a level thatmatches that of the surrounding skin. The result is rejuvenated and less tired-looking eyes.

What fillers are best for under-eye hollows?

This is a bit of a loaded question, because the answer depends onwhat type of tear trough you have. Therereally are two types of tear troughs. A ‘true’tear trough and a ‘pseudo’ tear trough.  True tear troughs can be genetic, and often start at a much youngerage. A true tear trough results from thethin skin under the eye adhering to the underlying muscle beneath.  On the other hand, pseudo tear troughs occur when the mid-cheekloses volume or fat usually from aging or weight loss revealing a hollow wherethe fat previously gave support.  Which filler to use depends on which type of tear trough youhave. Some patients have both a ‘true’ and‘pseudo’ tear trough and need two different filler products to correct thedefect properly.

In general, pseudo tear troughs are filled more deeply with athicker filler where the usual fat has disappeared. Conversely, true tear troughs are filled moresuperficially between the skin and underlying muscle layer using a thinnerfiller. Such thinner fillers must bevery smooth and moldable. By speciallycross linking the filler molecules together in a certain pattern, the fillercan be inhibited from reflecting various wavelengths of light and giving off anunwanted color (known as a “Tyndall effect”). My favorite filler designed in this way is Restylane Silk.

How do I know which type of tear trough I have?

A few tests in the office can help determine if yours is a pseudotear trough, true tear trough, or a combination of both. Having an experienced physician determine thetype of tear trough you have and the best approach to correcting it is veryimportant in achieving extremely satisfying and long-lasting results.

How long does under-eye filler last?

The speed at which fillers are metabolized varies from person toperson. In general, under-eye fillersusually last between 9-12 months. Thosewho are very active, such as long-distance runners and triathletes, tend tohave their filler last less and sometimes see it lose effect as quickly as 6months.

Is under-eye filler safe?

Under-eye filler treatments are statistically very safe butstill are not without possible side effects and complications. These include overfilling of the area,puffiness, bruising, noticeable lumps or bumps, improper placement, embolizationof blood vessels, and unusual discoloration from the filler. Many of these sideeffects have been lessened or eliminated by developing better fillers andbetter injection techniques using a microcannula.

Fillers that are thin, moldable, do not attract a lot of water to cause puffiness, and are cross-linked in a way that they do not give off any color or hue are now available for safe and very effective superficial filling of this area. Injecting with a microcannula instead of a needle has made what used to be a procedure fraught with frequent bruising and “black eyes” now a procedure with minimal to no downtime. Microcannulas have also made this procedure extremely safe and comfortable.

What is a microcannula?

A microcannula looks like a needle but instead of having a sharpend, has a rounded end with a hole for product to go through near the end. Because it wiggles its way through tissuewithout cutting things as a needle does, it decreases side effects and makesthis procedure far more satisfying for the physician and the patient.

Who is not a candidate for under eye filler?

Generally, people with severely crepey and loose skin under theeye are not good candidates for under eye filler. Also, patients with a large amount of fatthat has herniated though the underlying muscle to cause “fat bags” under theeye, are also not candidates for this treatment.

Who is a candidate for under eye filler?

On the other hand, this is a procedure that can be performed inboth young and older patients alike. If you have reasonably good skin under theeye, with only mild crepiness, and a pronounced hollow or tear trough, thenthis treatment can erase those tired eyes and make you look and feel refreshed.

In Conclusion Under eye filing can be performed safelywith little to no downtime and give people that rested and refreshed look thatthey are wanting. It, however, requires more skill and expertise than justabout any other area of the face that can be injected. For this reason, it is highly recommendedthat it be performed by a physician with a great deal of experience andexpertise who is also very proficient in the use of microcannulas to make thisprocedure as safe, effective, and comfortable as possible.
Here is to seeing those tired eyes looking bright and refreshedagain!

Warmest Regards,

“Dr S.” (Craig Schacher, MD) of Bella MedSpa by Dr S., PLLC



Tel: +1 (413) 562-3552


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